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Yoga 4 caregivers

New Resource Alert: Yoga for Caregivers

I recently learned about Yoga and Wellness for Caregivers.  It's a fabulous resource for caregivers looking to stay connected and healthy while caregiving for a loved one.  It's both a comprehensive website complete with blogs, information, and even an Amazon store for products  AND  a facebook group called Yoga4Caregivers that offers online yoga classes.

It's a great FB group to join. Each week they post the weekly yoga schedule so you can plan ahead. They offer different types of classes (stretch, yoga, meditation) at a variety of times. You can learn more about the serious and dedicated individual instructors on the website. 

A real bonus is that the classes are recorded and you can find the videos on their YouTube Channel. 

It's definitely worth the time to check out the facebook group and website. You'll be glad you did.

