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Gift Card

Gift Cards are NOT just for Procrastinators

Gift Cards: Contrary to popular belief gift cards are not just for procrastinators- They make a great gift. Visa and American Express gift cards can be used for anything the caregiver wants from clothing to a favorite restaurant. Here are some of my favorite gift cards:

  • Goldbelly: Foodies will love this. Select a food kit, complete holiday meal and/or desert from restaurants all over the country. This is one of the most fun sites to explore.
  • Sephora: Caregivers can indulge themselves at Sephora where you'll find every body treatment you can think of.
  • Apple: Everyone needs another charger, headset or maybe a mini iPad. 
  • Etsy: For the more artsy caregiver
  • Uber: Who doesn't need a ride sometime? You can get the gift card at Target, on Amazon and at other stores that sell gift cards.
  • MasterClass: Being able to take an online class on a topic of interest in your own home at your own time is a great luxury. Master class offers so many options and it's certainly a gift they are not likely to buy for themselves.
  • Chewy: For those who have dogs, a gift for them is a gift for the caregiver. 
  • AND last but not least your local bookstore. And if you're in Miami and near a Books & Books store you're in luck!