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Just Get Moving!

Why fitness now?  

Life expectancy has increased from 47 years of age in 1900 to 76 years in 1996. The number of people 65 years or older is predicted to increase to 69 million by 2030.

It has been proven that seniors who exercise regularly enjoy better overall health than those who don't and regular exercise is associated with reduced risk of disability and dependence.

Benefits of exercise include: 1) increased strength, endurance, balance and flexibility 2) lowering of resting blood pressure, decreased risk of heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and certain cancers 3) and last, but very important, regular exercise causes a reduction in the number of falls in older people.

Fitness programs designed for older adults can be found in some gyms, fitness centers, churches, community centers or senior centers. You can hire a personal trainer who will come to your home, or you can also join a mall walking club if the South Florida heat is too much for you. Swimming and water workouts are wonderful ways to get get healthy without putting any stress on your back or joints. Perfect for our Florida climate.

Look for ways to burn calories throughout the day. Walk whenever you can, take the stairs instead of an elevator, walk three times around your yard and back or do sit-ups in front of TV. Try standing on one foot while brushing your teeth to improve your balance.

Don’t make it too complicated. Just get moving.
